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How to Avoid Going Broke If You’re Hurt in a Car Crash

Note: This article was updated with the latest numbers, percentages and statistics on February 25, 2021. No one believes it will happen to them. Still, the fact is that millions of people face huge medical bills and other expenses after car accidents each year. If you think recovering from a car crash injury is difficult, just imagine the pain unpaid medical bills can cause.

In many cases, you can file an insurance claim to recover lost wages and medical bill costs. However, not every case ends with a neat resolution. Sometimes, the responsible driver doesn’t have adequate insurance coverage. (Or their insurance provider refuses to cover your medical and property damages.)

Things can get complicated, which is why you may need to file a personal injury claim instead. When this happens, a lawyer who specializes in recovering car crash damages may help you avoid significant financial hardship. Here’s why:

Catastrophic Medical Debt Can Lead to Bankruptcy

Uninsured trauma patients are at risk for incurring catastrophic medical debt, according to an April 2017 Annals of Surgery study. More specifically, almost 71% of uninsured ER patients aged 18-64 face financial hardship over medical expenses.

You’ve probably heard the statistic: Unexpected medical costs drive more bankruptcy filings in the U.S. than other types of debt.

If your car crash results in expensive doctor’s bills, you should act quickly to recover any funds you’re owed. Skipping or avoiding this step could mean the difference between bankruptcy and life as usual after recovering from injuries.

Car Crash Injuries Produce the Bulk of PI Claims

The biggest car crash-related expense isn’t property damage or even high medical bills. No, it’s “lost quality of life,” according to the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Lost quality of life accounts for fully 71% of car crash costs that involve injuries. Expenses like physical therapy and lingering pain from whiplash would also fall under the “lost quality of life” umbrella.

Car Crash Injuries Include Many Unexpected Costs

And car crash victims are often too quick to settle for a payout from the responsible driver’s insurance company. That’s because the settlement won’t fully account for all costs that come up in the wake of an accident. After all, most people don’t experience more than one major car accident in their lives. Without an experienced lawyer to fight for you, there’s no way to recover additional unexpected costs down the road. Many of these surprise items could lead to major financial pain a few months or years later.

Here are a few things you need to consider:

A Personal Injury Attorney Can Help Maximize Your Recovered Damages

The average court-awarded payout for personal injury cases in 2015 was $64,761, according to the Civil Justice Initiative’s annual report. It also shows that 92% of settlements went to plaintiffs with attorneys. Vehicle-related accidents make up the majority of personal injury cases in the United States.

While purchasing good car insurance is an important first step in protecting yourself after a serious auto accident, a personal injury lawyer can help you avoid financial hardship if the crash wasn’t your fault.

Can’t Work for More Than A Year Due to Your Injuries? Apply for Disability Benefits

Recovering from your car crash injuries can take longer than some people expect. And while a personal injury attorney gives you the best chance to recoup all your costs, taking a year off work (or longer) makes covering that lost income your top priority.

Applying for Social Security disability is often the best way for you to take time off without stressing about lost income. If you can answer “yes” to each question below, then you may qualify for SSD benefits:

In addition to the above, you cannot currently receive any Social Security benefits to qualify for SSD. If that sounds like your situation, you can start the application process online right now using this form.

Related: 5 Things An Auto Accident Lawyer Will Do For You

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